
Monday, April 6, 2009

Boys Finally smile

A cute smile or tongue I will accept. Who knows if that will happen again.

The flash mom that is bright. I think baby is 7 months here.
A. finally smiled after I let him take pictures of baby brother, that is what he calls him. Only after many tears and screaming


Well the deer come down off the hill into the back yard and A. is totally in love and amazed that they get so close. So he had me take pictures of his friends. When he prays he says deer horns repeating over and over help me find deer horns. well i started thinking about it so now we do not say "dear heavenly father" we say heavenly father he thought he was praying for deer. ha ha yes he carried a cameo backpack to school and to stores he takes it and his horns and gun. a true little hunter


I made this with the help of my mother in law for a cousin. It turn out pretty cute. It did not take that long to make and I got the fabric really cheap at wal-mart that is the only really spot to get fabric unless you drive to slc, utah. So we went to park city and then created this for a 4 year old. A cameo apron.

Helping Grandpa Drive

Friday we went to work with E. and his dad. We really went because E. wanted us to go with him to the hunting expo at the Salt Palace Convention Center in SLC, UT. So we went down and went to wal-mart because it was near by to mainly kill time. A. loves to ride in anything that makes noise and the telehandler-fancy name for a forklift. Pure joy in the eyes of A.

baby snowman

I love this, baby marshmellow snowman, he could not move. Get got bundled up to go for a walk. I do not think baby enjoyed this as much as I did.

Clean up

I know some of these pictures need to be touched up but i am doing good to post them before they get deleted.
The bathtub is an old tub with claw feet.

A. was finally willing to smile and then he showed me his muscles.

From a childs eyes

A. loves to take picures and He found my camera and began to take snap shots. Notice his evidence. I was reviewing what was on the camera and noticed strange pictures. Well the little toes gave away who was taking pictures.


Well since winter seems to last forever here in the mountains of Utah we decided to take advantage of the snow. So we grabbed the sleds and used the yard. Exciting.

Ashton got better and decided it was fun if he could sled down to one of us and then be pulled back to the top. luckily the snow was so hard from being so cold that you did not sink while walking.

c. 6 month cuteness

Baby C. is growing. He is wearing an outfit my mom and sister bought for him when he was born. Yes his hair is going more red and it is curly. He looks exactly like his brother A. did when he was that age. I need to label the photos so I do not get them mixed up.

C. is 5 months or close to it.

E's mom has these chairs and I couldnt resist putting C. in them. I do not think he was amuzed. MY kids do not like to smile for the camera for other things yes but not for a picture. He is not in a dress but a sleep sack.

We are having him work on issues that bother him now like his parents.

Best Friends

So A. became friends with his cousin pictured below. They had a lot of fun during the holidays. I came in one night to find them jumping on the bed, and A. helping her drink his water. A. grabbed baby brothers 3-6 month outfit and put it on the is why it is slightly short.

His cousins parents made E's parents a dvd for Christmas and A. watched for several months and loved to minic what she was doing. I finally hide it so it would not get over used. And I was sick of seeing the DVD it quickly replaced cartoons and Disney movies, really 12 or more times in a day.

Christmas PJS

A. received some new PJ's from my mom for Christmas. He found a cow flashlight which he loved to sleep with and the PJ's stayed on one night. He wears the bottoms but the top is a little scratchy with the Velcro. They are mini scrubs. Cute.

So it is late But here is Christmas

So here are some pictures of what the animal cameras takes. They has a sensor that triggers the camera to take a pictures. The first is a rabbit. They actually killed a rabbit and placed by the camera but we never got a shot of what took it -it disappeared.

This is me walking and jumping to get the camera to take an image to make sure it was set up right.
The next picture is kenny and half of my face.

We went to Oregon for a week and E(mighty hunter) wanted to go coyote hunting the whole time, but they received so much snow they nothing wanted to be out and it was windy, I went once with mighty hunter and my brother kenny. We had a 4 wheeler that got stuck in gear so we could not let it die or turn it off or we would not be able to start it. We barely made it up the hill. Boy it was chilly at least my toes and hands. We went out by Mitchell butte out past owyhee corner. Mighty hunters happy hunting grounds. Still has not killed a coyote.