
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Temple Square Lights with Cousins

So we invited some of my cousins that live in Slc, UT to go see the christmas lights at temple square. We got on the freeway to go to slc, and the pickup died in the canyon so we called for a ride, and a tow and started off again. We meet the cousins and saw the lights, looked at the view, and heard a concert. I love to see the lights and feel of the peace that temple square has. Then we went back to my cousins pad and E. left his moms keys in their van and we noticed we were booted. So I tried to buzz their apt. but it did not have their name. So I thought I would call well I thought I lost my phone Since I could not find it, well it was in my sweatshirt I found out later with a dead battery. SO luckily someone was going in so I caught the door and went to the elevator. And their was the cousins. So I helped them with their stuff and we went and got the keys and then out to talk to the booters. Well we only had $100 and it was $80 and he would not take check or credit card or give change. SO E. talked to a random runner who had $96 and we traded money and paid the booter. Then my cousin talked to the office and got the money back because we did not know or see the sign that said do not park here it was on the end of the parking. So that is our adventure.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I love Temple Square at Christmas! A wonderful *FREE* outing for everyone and anyone to enjoy :)