Well, Eli went scouting elk with a friend from high school, Chris Batt, who made him desire to own those animal spy cameras that you attach to a tree and it takes photos of objects when it detects movement, so he bought 2 so he could position them in various areas of the forrest. He took Ashton, and eli got a taste of what he is like when he doesnt want to walk, he had to carry him on his shoulders because he would not walk a step, go figure, last year he hiked with us up mt. timp. over 3/4 the way.
So he showed me the map he made, so he would remember where he positioned them. He can retrieve the memory cards too, I dont feel like hiking. When ashton came back and found me I asked what he saw, "rocks, elks, deer" and what else fishing, and trees" Eli told me a while later that they spotted a deer and ashton kept telling him "shhh" then it got about 10 feet away and ashton then made the sound effect of shooting it well that spooked it and it took off. The main thing was they had fun.
That's really funny that Ashton scared the deer away by making a fake shooting noise! He's definitely his fathers son! I'm glad they had fun. How are you holding up?
Congratulations! I heard you had your baby! We are so happy for you! It was fun to see you at Preston & Sheryl's home!
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