
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Classes @ UofU

SO Lately I have been attending classes at Univ. of Utah. I get SUU credit, 1 credit for $15. The rest is covered by Utah tax payers since they do not pay teachers hardly any money.

I have learned of some awesome sites, I thought I would share a few with you and use them and share your websites that you use and love.

These are fairly easy and if you can type piece of cake.

most of these are free:


zoom it ==> allows you to zoom in when presenting

inspiration===kidspiration you have a 30 day trial great for mapping out writing assgns.

utube has some great edu videos just do a search

xtranormal... can make videos tv shows free for now almost any show you can access premaid games etc. free polls free great powerpoints

dvd shrink... to make copies of dvd you have bought so they do not get scratached

picasa photo editing software

igoogle. personalize a home page with everything and an awesome calendar

photostory 3.. photo and movie software freee

I have alot more but thought you might want to be aware of some of these

I like I think google it awesome for edu

what software do you like

1 comment:

Taryn said...

wow that's a cool list. I love photshop...but if you don't want to buy it or can't use is awesome for photo editing!