
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Pacers is a program A.'s school does to promote healthy kids. Every Tuesday and Thursday the his have the choice to run laps during lunch recess. They record their lap and by punching a piece of paper and then the kids take the paper to their classroom where the teacher records the laps. Then on Thursday the parent volunteers collect the papers, the same ones that did the punching of paper, and in the cafeteria they have shoes the students have colored with their names on them. They are lameniated. Then they move the shoes to the new mile standings the kids have reached.

The goal is to reach 50 miles by May I think 2nd week of 2013.
A. has 93 miles. Winter slowed him down. when they reach 5, 10, 20,25,50 and so on the get a plastic charm that goes on the bracelet they gave them. He attached his to his backpack. I have kept him home 3 Tuesdays when he was sick so he is under 100, he has a friend that is over 100. I remind him that I kept him home because I knew he would run while being sick and I didn't want him to get worse. He is very fast. Both he and his brother like to race people when we go to the BYU-I indoor track. Maybe this fall he can do a 5K with his dad. I think I will pass. Another time. Or he can do the turkey trot.

Snow Again

Yes, I do realize where I live gets late snow storms, later than I like. But I was hoping we would have nice weather since today is the spring equonox. Really, we must have not gotten that memo because it is snowing! I told C. to look out the window and tell me if it was raining, "Nope" Really, then why are the sidewalks and road wet? "It's snowing" I asked if he was sure, "Yes mom do you think I am blind" Nope but I really didn't want it to snow.

I had planned on transplanting the tulips that are coming up into a planter, why because I don't plan on living here forever, and I am going to take them with me. I guess the cold weather would be perfect but I don't want to freeze today. Another day.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Field Trip C.'s Preschool

C. goes to the BYU-I preschool. He attends the afternoon session from 120-340pm MWF. Today was the big day a field trip that was using the bus. He was so excited to ride the bus. He wanted me to go so I meet him there after I got a parking permit. I thought it was somewhere else but turned around. It was in the ag. bldg. While waiting to figure out where we were to go they asked the kids what the smell was, an adult superior said tractor gas, wrong buddy, hydraulic oil. They loved riding the tractors the had two John Deere and 7000 series and a small one you see in the nurseries. They also got to look at a backhoe, engine and other tractors. I later picked C. up and he wanted me to read his paper that says what they would be working on next week. The sheet said in a shortened version body movement, using muscles to help you move, wed close to the first and friday would be activities you do with balls. C. says while grabbing his crouch these balls, no soccer ball you kick, basket ball you bounce. Glad we cleared this up today instead of when he is in class. He kept laughing they want to know what I do with my balls, not those sports balls.